( Serves 2 adults who love fish)
- 2 big sized Pomfret ( Sea water) cut into two halves as its easier to handle them in the pan.
- Fresh Coriander bunch ( this needs to be large in quantity as it will make the gravy as opposed to a garnish. So buy so much that when you make a paste out of it , its about 1/2 litre ) Make sure its a paste that is thick in consistency so add very little water if the mixer is giving an issue grinding it
- 1 medium sized onion chopped very finely ( am a bit lazy that way so I keep a paste of onions in my fridge.)
- 2 green chillies that are hot
- 5 - 6 big garlic kernels ( again I usually have a paste of Ginger and Garlic paste so I used about 1 tb spoon of that paste)
- Ginger is optional
- Mustard Oil
- Salt & Sugar to taste
- Turmeric & Red chilli Powder
Note : Other option is to make a paste of Onion + Garlic + Ginger + Chillies
The 5 minute method ( The non- bake option)
Take a pan. Add about 2 teaspoon of Mustard Oil ( I prefer low oil so the less amount..you can add as per your liking).
Once the oil heats up and you can smell the Mustard oil, Pour the paste of onion , chillies, garlic and ginger. In case you are chopping the Onion then you add the onion first and the rest follows ( adding chillies to the oil will make it more spicy) . I add a little salt at this point to avoid the onion from getting over cooked. Stir for about 30 secs till you can see the onion change colour. Pour the coriander paste ( all of it).
Once you see its simmer a little add the raw fish ( do not fry it)
Cover the pan and put the stove on SIM.
Let the whole mix simmer for about 2 minutes ( Fish cooks fast), and turn the fish carefully as its a delicate fish). Let it simmer a little more. You will see the oil separate from the gravy and the house fill up with coriander smell... that is when you switch it off and let it cool off a little before serving ( helps the fish and gravy to settle)
Serve with white rice.
For the Baked/ microwave version
Coat the pastes on the fish and place in a borosil container with a lid or a plastic film on top with about 2 -3 holes in it. pour a little mustard oil ( about 1 teaspoon) and put it in the microwave for about 2 minutes and then turn the fish and again for 2 minutes. You will need to check on the fish and the gravy. If its not cooked then increase the time accordingly.
Enjoy the recipe and let me know how it turns out.
Excellent description and the image. Easy to cook for anybody.
Hope it will encourage all the chefs like me.
Mother in law remarks:
Preparation is better than me. Nicely explained all the steps of preparation. Keep it up and post it for every body.
Thank you... :)
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