Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Attractions !!

Very easy to get attracted and very difficult to avoid it!!!

Well, off late I have been attracting all the wrong people in the world. While I feel great that people drop in compliments etc…it kind of gets disgusting to avoid them. I have been running away from men who are not supposed to behave in a certain way. Ethically not correct! What is the justification to a 45 year old getting charged up seeing a 20 something… please men not everybody is a Kabir Bedi or a Salman Rushdie. You have children, you have a perfect wife - stay happy!!!

But then again I might be very prudish to think so. I recently happened to catch “The Graduate”. For those who have not seen it, see it. I actually didn’t like the movie that much even five years ago. But Boredom made me go back to it. The whole concept of an older woman attracting a younger man was initially absurd. But then Attraction is something you can’t justified. I get attracted to a good conversationalist. I get attracted to men who would be rakish in their behavior. I cannot justify that. So while a Rake will attract me towards him, an investment banker who my mom chose for me to marry will repel me like crazy.

So anyway, my point is since you can’t justify the emotion, please go ahead and let people know that you are attracted to them. Also please distinguish the feelings. Its attraction not love. Its temporary and not permanent. Please don’t pursue as if it were the end of the world. You will be attracted to something or someone again and its perfectly fine. Do not justify it. Do not mess it up by doing that.

While this might be a volatile article…my point is let’s be mature and understand attraction and not mess it up! Love is something more insane than this. Let’s stay away from that!!

All the best...:)

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