Well not exactly how a sabbatical is planned but I am not complaining at all. A month back was diagnosed with Typhoid and so was given strict instructions by the docs to not step out of home. Initially the thought was itself so sad… imagine sticking to the bed and just not getting out at all… it was painful.
Gradually I got used to it. I caught up with all the serials on air… Dexter also comes in the morning was a revelation! Picked up lots of books and did some reading. Ate home cooked food. Did Nothing!
Did a lot of soul searching and introspection. Spoke to parents at length which I never get time to do. Spoke to friends. Caught up on life with sister. Made some arrangements to change life and the way I was living it.
In retrospect I feel that one needs these breaks. It was my body warning me to slow down. Sit back and just breathe. I have never felt so helpless as I felt when I was stuck to that bed. I made myself promise that I won’t stress and let my health hamper. However, I am not sure if I will ever be able to overcome a temptation of a meal at Moshe, or a drink at WTF or the mad dancing at Hawaiian shack! So yes sometimes it’s good to let go but only sometimes. Work is important but there is something far more important than work – me!
Am re- joining work soon, and I just hope I am able to keep to all the above promises. If not I will keep coming back to this piece to remind myself that a sabbatical would be great at the Himalayas vacationing with friends or roaming the world than being stuck to the bed!